Saturday, September 7, 2024

Pakistan wins Hyderabad fund case against India

Pakistan wins Hyderabad fund case against India
June 21, 2016
LONDON (92 News) – The English High Court rejected Indian attempt to strike out Pakistan's claim to the Hyderabad fund on Tuesday. According to the Foreign Office, the 75-page judgment of Henderson J is a clear vindication of Pakistan's principled stance and the effective legal strategy being pursued by the new legal team. India failed to persuade the Court that Pakistan's position was untenable and that it could show no legal entitlement to the 35 million GBP sitting in a bank account in the name of the High Commissioner of Pakistan since September 20, 1948. The Judge accepted that there was good evidence in support of Pakistan's claim to the money, which needed to be fully considered at a trial. The Judge also accepted that there were good legal arguments which were supportive of Pakistan's position. India will face a substantial costs claim, as a result of losing its applications. The legal team led by Khawar Qureshi QC advanced strong legal arguments and placed cogent evidence before the Judge, which defeated the Indian argument that Pakistan's claim to the monies was not valid. Pakistan remains committed to resolving all disputes by negotiation and believes that the path to peace and progress lies in dialogue. If the case does not settle, Pakistan is fully confident that its legal team will prevail.