Monday, September 16, 2024

PM reiterates full support to Kashmiris' struggle

PM reiterates full support to Kashmiris' struggle
February 5, 2018
MUZAFFARABAD (92 News) – Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has said the issue of Kashmir was engraved in the hearts of Pakistanis and reiterated full support of the government and people of Pakistan to the just and legitimate right of the Kashmiri people for the peaceful resolution of the issue in line with their aspirations. Addressing the joint session of AJK legislative Assembly and Kashmir council in Muzaffarabad on Monday, he said that the Pakistan will continue to extend moral, political and diplomatic support to the Kashmiri people, adding that the hearts of Pakistani and Kashmiri people beat together. The prime minister said that the illegitimate use of force and coercive measures by the occupation forces in the Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK) had miserably failed to suppress indigenous freedom struggle. About 207 million Pakistanis supported their Kashmiri brethren in their struggle. Abbasi said that despite political differences, all the political parties in Pakistan are on the same page vis-a-vis Kashmir dispute, adding that there has been no change in Pakistan's Kashmir policy. Kashmir policy, he said, is save in our hearts and it is the same as it was seventy years ago. He went on to say that this centuries old unbreakable relationship will remain intact forever and Pakistan has always strived and will continue to work for peaceful resolution of the lingering dispute. The premier said: “Despite blatant use of oppression and use of force, Modi government has failed to suppress or dampen the spirit of freedom amongst the Kashmiri people.” Referring to the development in Azad Kashmir, he said that the present government has doubled the development budget of the territory, adding that the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project will greatly benefit the people of Azad Kashmir and bring visible change in their lives. The federal government will provide all the resources and assistance for the development in Azad Kashmir, Abbasi added.