Saturday, September 7, 2024

Punjab Police tops most corrupt list, Revenue Department 2nd, Local Govt 3rd: ACD

Punjab Police tops most corrupt list, Revenue Department 2nd, Local Govt 3rd: ACD
February 27, 2015
LAHORE (92 News): Punjab Police topped a list compiled by Anti Corruption Department (ACD) of Punjab detailing corrupt departments for the year 2013-14, reported 92 News on Friday. According to ACD, 3,560 inquiries were reported and 905 cases were registered against Punjab Police in Anti Corruption. Revenue Department follows Police with 800 inquiries and 778 registered cases. The third on the list is Local Government with 250 inquiries and 300 registered cases. With 515 inquiries reported and 125 registered cases, Health Department is fourth on the list. Education Department is fifth with 270 inquiries reported and 137 registered cases. The list of corruption shows Irrigation Department on sixth, Communication and Works Department on seventh and the Department of Forests & Wildlife Preservation on eighth position.