Friday, July 26, 2024

No NRO to be given any dacoit, says Imran Khan

No NRO to be given any dacoit, says Imran Khan
August 17, 2018
ISLAMABAD (92 News) – Prime Minister Imra Khan assured that no NRO will be given to any dacoit who looted the money of the country. Addressing to the National Assembly, Imran Khan promised to take back all the looted money. He vowed that he must do carrying out sweeping accountability. “As God is my witness, that no single NRO will be given to any dacoit. No military dictator reared me. My father was not in politics. I did not have any experience. It has been a 22-year struggle," he said. “I thank the nation for giving me the chance to bring a change. A change that this country was waiting for, for 70 years. He mentioned that the only other person who struggled like this, was my leader, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Imran Khan elected 22nd PM of Pakistan The prime minister said that he would appear twice a month, adding that he will answer in the Parliament twice a month. “And I especially say, to the youth of this country, who made it possible for me to stand here today, that I promise I will work for their future,” he said. Imran Khan assured that the young people should be proud of being Pakistanis and will never have to go abroad to look for jobs. The house erupted with protests from Nawaz Sharif’s supporters who cried, ‘respect the vote’ as Imran Khan spoke. Responding to the protest of PML-N leaders over alleged rigging protest, he asked them that asked why they did not agree to investigating the electoral rigging allegations for four constituencies he had asked for in 2013. “Why did the government not take action then,” he said, referring to the verdict of a commission that indeed, there had been rigging. “InshAllah, my government will fix the electoral system. We will introduce a neutral umpire like I did in cricket in 1986.” Prime Minister Imran Khan harshly warned that none could black mail him pas and never can do in future. He challenged the opposition parties including PML-N and JUI-F leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman to stage a sit-in at D-chowk, even for a month. "We will facilitate you with a container if you want to do a sit-in," offered Imran Khan but added that there would be no National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO).